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推力 Thrust
軸向推力 Thrust, axial
動力推力 Thrust, dynamic
偏心推力 Thrust, eccentric
水推力 Thrust, ice
潮,潮汐 Tide
潮齡 Tide, age of
遠月點潮 Tide, apogean
潮峰 Tide, crest of
日週潮 Tide, diurnal
退潮 Tide, ebb
分潮點 Tide, equinoctial
漲潮 Tide, flood
潮界 Tide, limit of
太陰二週潮 Tide, lunar fortnightly
小潮 Tide, neap
近月點潮 Tide, perigean
半日週潮 Tide, semi-diurnal
大潮 Tide, spring
暴潮 Tide, storm
朔望潮 Tide, syzygy
回歸潮 Tide, tropical
水密,不漏水 Tightness, water
集流時間 Time of concentration
阻滯時間 Time of detention
洩水時間 Time of emptying
注水時間 Time of filling
滯延時間,延時 Time of lag
過閘時間 Time, lockage
運河通行稅 Toll, canal
船閘通行稅 Toll, lock
噸位 Tonnage
排水噸位 Tonnage, displacement
總噸位 Tonnage, gross
淨噸位 Tonnage, net
登記噸位 Tonnage, registered
釣撈工具 Tool, fishing
石炭岩地形 Topograph, karst
頂沉床 Top-set-bed
扭力矩 Torque
急流,荒溪 Torrent
沖蝕急流 Torrent, erosion
托里西里定理 Torricelli's theorem
扭力 Torsion
拖運 Towage
拖船 Towboat
進水塔 Tower, intake
河川順導 Training, river
抛射線,抛射槽 Trajectory
能量變化 Transformation, energy
變壓器 Transformer
變程,漸變段 Transition
傳導率 Transmisivity
輸送 Transmissibility
輸電 Transmission
蒸散 Transpiration
淤泥運輸 Transportation, silt
水運 Transportation, water
推移 Transposition
水摺門 Trap, ice
砂阱 Trap, sand
浪阱 Trap, wave
格壩,導線 Traverse
礫石處理 Treatment, gravel
沉樹 Tree, dip
沉樹 Tree, sinking
截水壕 Trench, cut-off
探勘壕 Trench, exploration
地下水溝 Trench, ground water
取土壕 Trench, test
趨勢 Trend
便道 Trial
支流 Tributary
整修 Trimming
回歸線 Tropic
北回歸線 Tropic of cancer
南回歸線 Tropic of caricorn
對流層 Troposphere
潮谷 Trough, tidal wave
波谷 Trough, wave
管 Tube
錐形管 Tube, conical
漸細管 Tube, converging
漸粗管 Tube, diverging
尾水管 Tube, draft
肘形尾水管 Tube, elbow type draft
喇叭形尾水管 Tube, hydraucone draft
內突管 Tube, inward-projecting
溢流管 Tube, overflow
測壓管 Tube, piezometor
凹入管 Tube, re-entrant
短管 Tube, short
標準管 Tube, standard
潛管 Tube, submerged
吸管 Tube, suction
U管 Tube, U
竪喇叭管 Tube, vertical flaring
拖船 Tug
隧道 Tunnel
改流隧道 Tunnel, diversion
壓力隧道 Tunnel, pressure
虹吸隧道 Tunnel, siphon
水底隧道 Tunnel, subagueous
水底隧道 Tunnel, submarine
渦輪 Turbine
軸流渦輪 Turbine, axial flow
鐘形渦輪 Turbine, bell shaped
高速渦輪 Turbine, high speed
臥式渦輪 Turbine, horizontal
水力渦輪 Turbine, hydraulic
衝擊渦輪 Turbine, impulse
內流渦輪 Turbine, inward
低速渦輪 Turbine, low speed
混流渦輪 Turbine, mixed-flow
動葉渦輪 Turbine, movable blade
管嘴式水渦輪 Turbine, nozzle type water
外流渦輪 Turbine, outward flow
併流渦輪 Turbine, parallel
壓力渦輪 Turbine, pressure
旋葉渦輪 Turbine, propeller
輻流渦輪 Turbine, radial flow
反力渦輪 Turbine, reaction
比速渦輪 Turbine, specific
立式渦輪 Turbine, vertical
渦輪機械 Turbomachinery
亂流 Turbulence
亂流度 Turbulence, degree of
亂流能 Turbulence, energy of
全面亂流 Turbulence, fully developed
分水處,斗門 Turnout
集差式 Type, concentrated fall
分差式 Type, divided fall
雙進水式 Type, double-inlet
土壤種類 Type, soil
颱風 Typhoon
地下排水 Underdrainage
潛流 Underflow
淘空 Undermining
托底工程 Underpinning
放水 Underwatering
延時單位 Unit, duration
備用機件 Unit, spare
備用機件 Unit, standby
廠用電機 Unit, station service
涸水,除水 Unwatering
舉力,上頂力 Uplift
靜水舉力 Uplift, hydrostatic
上游 Upstream
用水,用水量 Use of water
消耗用水 Use, consumptive
季節用水 Use, seasonal
真空 Vacuum
半真空 Vacuum, partial
全真空 Vacuum, perfect
谷,谿谷 Valley
河谷 Valley, river
流值 Value, flow
影響值 Value, influence
閥,活門 Valve
氣閥 Valve, air
自動閥 Valve, automatic
球閥 Valve, ball
放氣閥 Valve, blow off
蝴蝶閥 Valve, butterfly
邊閥 Valve, by-pass
活栓閥 Valve, cock
控制閥 Valve, control
圓洞閥 Valve, cylindrical
排水閥 Valve, drain
排洩閥 Valve, escape
片閥 Valve, flap
底閥 Valve, foot
閘門閥 Valve, gate
高圓筒閥 Valve, high cylindrical
空注閥 Valve, hollow jet
水閥 Valve, ice
針閥 Valve, needle
洩水閥 Valve, outlet
調節閥 Valve, regulating
減水閥 Valve, relief
旋轉閥 Valve, rotary
轉動閥 Valve, rotating
安全閥 Valve, safety
停止閥 Valve, shut off
滑動閥 Valve, slide
洩水閥 Valve, sluice
球形閥 Valve, sphere
停止閥 Valve, stop
節水閥 Valve, throttle
管閥 Valve, tube
廢水閥 Valve, waste
葉,板 Vane
曲葉 Vane, curved
擴散葉 Vane, diffuser
播散葉 Vane, diffusion
雙尖葉 Vane, double cusped
導葉 Vane, guide
轉輪葉 Vane, runner
單動葉 Vane, single moving
不動葉 Vane, stationary
風向標 Vane, wind
水氣,汽 Vapor
空中水氣 Vapor, atmospheric
汽膨脹 Vapor, expansion of
飽和汽膨脹 Vapor, expansion of saturated
水氣,汽 Vapor, water
變率 Variability
日變化 Variation, diurnal
週期變化 Variation, periodic
季節變化 Variation, seasonal
流速,速度 Velocity
流速 Velocity of discharge
廻旋速度 Velocity of whirl
絕對流速 Velocity, absolute
傳聲速度 Velocity, acoustic
實際流速 Velocity, actual
角速 Velocity, angular
視流速 Velocity, apparent
接近流速 Velocity, approach
平均流速 Velocity, average
臨界流速 Velocity, critical
有效流速 Velocity, effective
沖刷流速 Velocity, erosive
變化流速 Velocity, fluctuation
射流速 Velocity, jet
線向速度 Velocity, linear
平均流速 Velocity, mean
不等流速 Velocity, non uniform
相對流速 Velocity, relative
沖刷流速 Velocity, scouring
滲流速度 Velocity, seepage
嘖水速度 Velocity, spouting
亞臨界流速 Velocity, sub critical
亞音速 Velocity, sub-sonic
超臨界流速 Velocity, supercritical
超音速 Velocity, super-sonic
表面流速 Velocity, surface
切線速度 Velocity, tangential
終速 Velocity, terminal
理論流速 Velocity, theoretical
管喉流速 Velocity, throat
真臨界流速 Velocity, true critical
等流速 Velocity, uniform
波速 Velocity, wave
約束斷面 Vena contracta
通氣孔 Vent, air
文托利水糟 Venturi flume
文托利流量計 Venturi meter
文托利流量計係數 Venturi meter coeffi-cient
文托利孔口 Venturi orifice
文托利管 Venturi tube
遊尺 Vernier
連通器 Vessel, communicating
前港池 Vestibule
振動 Vibration
強迫和諧振動 Vibration, forced harmonic
自由和諧振動 Vibration, free harmonic
振動頻率 Vibration, frequency of
振動週期 Vibration, period of
振動器 Vibrator
維可太水輪 Victor wheel
滯性計 Viscometer
滯性計 Viscosimeter
毛管滯性計 Viscosimeter capillary-tube
分泌式滯性計 Viscosimeter transpiration type
滯性,黏度 Viscosity
絕對滯性 Viscosity, absolute
動力滯性 Viscosity, dynamic
漩渦滯性 Viscosity, eddy
動滯性 Viscosity, kinematic
機械滯性 Viscosity, mechanical
相對滯性 Viscosity, relative
比滯性 Viscosity, specific
空隙 Void
容量,體積 Volume
排水容量 Volume, displacement
比容量 Volume, specific
漩渦,渦流 Vortex
複合漩渦 Vortex, compound
圓筒漩渦 Vortex, cylindric
強制漩渦 Vortex, forced
強制圓筒漩渦 Vortex, forced cylindrical
強制螺形漩渦 Vortex, forced spiral
自由漩渦 Vortex, free
自由圓筒漩渦 Vortex, free cylindrical
自由螺形漩渦 Vortex, free spiral
週期漩渦 Vortex, periodic
螺形漩渦 Vortex, spiral
漩渦道 Vortex, street of
渦度 Vorticity
威斯巴公式 Waisback formula
尾跡 Wake
橫木 Waling
牆 Wall
砥牆 Wall, baffle
胸牆 Wall, breast
垜牆 Wall, buttress
心牆 Wall, core
扶壁擋土牆 Wall, counterforted retaining
簾牆 Wall, curtain
截水牆 Wall, cut-off
船塢牆 Wall, dock
階牆 Wall, drop
護牆 Wall, guard
導牆 Wall, guide
閘牆 Wall, lock
人字門側牆 Wall, miter
膠泥牆 Wall, puddle
擋土牆, 壅壁 Wall, retaining
海堤,海塘 Wall, sea
側牆 Wall, side
隔牆 Wall, splitter
趾牆 Wall, toe
導牆,順壩,順堤 Wall, training
翼牆 Wall, wing
倉庫 Warehouse
保稅倉庫 Warehouse, bonded
冷藏庫 Warehouse, cold-storage
扭曲 Warping
波浪沖刷 Wash, wave
調節損失 Waste, regulated
警戒水位 Water level, alert
當量水位 Water level, equivalent
高水位 Water level, high
最高水位 Water level, highest (H.W.)
最高高水位 Water level, highest high (H.H.W.)
低水位 Water level, low
最低水位 Water level, lowest (L.W.)
最低低水位 Water level, lowest low (L.L.W.)
常水位 Water level, normal
常水位 Water level, ordinary
地下水水位 Water level, phreatic
總需水量 Water requirement, gross
淨需水量 Water requirement, net
滿槽水位 Water stage, bankful
造床水位 Water stage, bed-built
漫溢水位 Water stage, overtopping
記錄水位 Water stage, registered
調節水位 Water stage, regulated
家用給水 Water supply, domestic
工業給水 Water supply, industrial
地下水位 Water table, ground
吸水 Water, absorption of
附著水 Water, adhesive
自流水,湧泉 Water, artesian
大氣水 Water, atmospheric
廻水 Water, back
毛管水 Water, capillary
黏著水 Water, cohesive
原生水,固結水 Water, connate
宇宙水 Water, cosmic
用水率,灌溉率 Water, duty of
邊緣水 Water, fringe
重力水 Water, gravitational
重力水 Water, gravity
高水位,高潮位 Water, high
潤濕水,吸著水 Water, hygroscopic
間隙水 Water, interstitial
新生水 Water, juvenile
土壤水,含氣層水 Water, kresmatic
過閘用水量 Water, lockage
低水位,低潮位 Water, low
岩漿水 Water, magmatic
變質岩水 Water, metamorphic
內在水 Water, of internal origin
附著水 Water, pellicular
空隙水 Water, pore
可降水量 Water, precipitable
水質 Water, quality of
重生水 Water, rejuvenated
含鹽水 Water, saline
最低潮位 Water, slack
土壤水 Water, soil
固化水 Water, solidified
地面下水 Water, sub-surface
地面水 Water, surface
剩餘水量 Water, surplus
懸浮水 Water, suspended
尾水 Water, tail
地面下水 Water, under ground
泫水 Water, vadose
火山水 Water, volcanic
分水嶺,流域 Water-shed
水道 Waterway
內陸水道 Waterway, interior
千瓩 Watt, mega
千瓩時,千度 Watt-hour, mega
柳柵 Wattle
波浪 Wave
突浪 Wave, abrupt
加速波 Wave, accelerating
聲波 Wave, acoustic
底波 Wave, bottom
散波 Wave, broken
界波,張力波 Wave, capillary
壓縮波 Wave, compression
潮波峯 Wave, crest of tidal
翻u波 Wave, cycloid
柱形波 Wave, cylindrical
減速波 Wave, decelerating
深水波 Wave, deep water
雙重波 Wave, double
地震波 Wave, earthquake
彈性波 Wave, elastic
洪水波 Wave, flood
強制波 Wave, forced
自由波 Wave, free
重力波 Wave, gravity
潮波線 Wave, line of tidal
主波 Wave, main
負波 Wave, negative
振動波 Wave, oscillatory
正波 Wave, positive
壓力波 Wave, pressure
主波 Wave, principal
進行波 Wave, progressive
反射波 Wave, reflected
逆行波 Wave, retrogressive
砂波 Wave, sand
副波 Wave, secondary
淺水波 Wave, shallow water
剪波 Wave, shear
斜波 Wave, sloping
孤立波 Wave, solitary
音波 Wave, sound
立波 Wave, standing
定波 Wave, stationary
面波 Wave, surface
碎浪波 Wave, surge
潮波 Wave, tidal
頂波 Wave, top
推進波 Wave, translatary
推移波 Wave, transtation
橫波 Wave, transverse
推進波 Wave, traveling
餘翻u波 Wave, trochoidal
潮波谷 Wave, trough of tidal
魚道 Way, fish
洩洪道 Way, flood
鍵槽,榫槽 Way, key
筏道 Way, raft
洩水道,排淤道 Way, sluice
退水道 Way, waste
衛伯指數 Weber's number
滑楔 Wedge, slide
權,重 Weight
視重 Weight, apparent
平衡錘 Weight, counter
比重量, 單位重量 Weight, specific
加權 Weighting
堰 Weir
量水堰 Weir for measurement
A架堰 Weir, A-frame
自動雙叠門堰 Weir, automatic double trap
砥堰 Weir, baffle
熊阱堰 Weir, bear trap
橋堰 Weir, bridge
寬頂堰 Weir, broad crested
圓堰,環堰 Weir, circular
活動渠首堰 Weir, collapsible diversion
縮口堰 Weir, contracted
筐堰 Weir, crib
橫堰 Weir, cross
捲簾堰 Weir, curtain
弧形堰 Weir, curved
圓筒堰 Weir, cylinder
渠首堰,引水堰 Weir, diversion
雙層排淤堰 Weir, double sluice
揚扉堰 Weir, drawdoor
鼓輪堰 Weir, drum
防險堰 Weir, emergency
固定堰 Weir, fixed
平頂堰 Weir, flat crested
架堰 Weir, framed
全寬堰 Weir, full width
門堰 Weir, gate
動力堰 Weir, gravity
空心堰 Weir, hollow
傾背堰 Weir, inclined
不規則堰 Weir, irregular
圓木堰 Weir, log
排針堰 Weir, needle
缺口堰 Weir, notch
斜交堰 Weir, oblique
敝堰 Weir, open
溢流堰 Weir, overflow
抛物線形堰 Weir, parabolic
正比堰 Weir, proportional
矩形堰 Weir, rectangular
矩形縮口堰 Weir, rectangular contracted
輥堰 Weir, roller
扇形堰 Weir, sector
弓形堰 Weir, segment
半圓堰 Weir, semi-circular
井管堰 Weir, shaft
銳緣堰 Weir, sharp crested
牐堰 Weir, shutter
側堰 Weir, side
排淤堰 Weir, sluice
標準銳緣堰 Weir, standard sharpcrested
牐板堰 Weir, stop-log
潛堰 Weir, submerged
堰端不束縮堰 Weir, suppressed
梯形堰 Weir, trapezoidal
三角形堰 Weir, triangular
直形立堰 Weir, vertical
V形口堰 Weir, V-notch
水井 Well
自流井 Well, artesian
竹管井 Well, bamboo
管井 Well, cased
深井 Well, deep
地下水補充井 Well, diffusion
挖掘井,土井 Well, dug
水井有效半徑 Well, effective radius of
觀測井 Well, observation
輻射井 Well, radial
補充井 Well, recharge
放水井 Well, relief
濾管井 Well, screened
淺井 Well, shallow
靜水井 Well, stilling
層管井 Well, stove-pipe
試井 Well, testing
無管井 Well, uncased
碼頭 Wharf
主動水輪 Wheel, action
中射水輪 Wheel, breast
戽斗水輪 Wheel, bucket
重力水輪 Wheel, gravity
上射水輪 Wheel, High-breast
高速水輪 Wheel, high-speed
水輪 Wheel, hydraulic
衝擊水輪 Wheel, impulse
管嘴水輪 Wheel, nozzle
上射水輪 Wheel, over-shot
明車,筒車 Wheel, paddle
螺槳式水輪 Wheel, propeller type
反動水輪 Wheel, reaction
戽斗水輪 Wheel, scoop
下射水輪 Wheel, under-shot
水輪 Wheel, water
廻旋速度 Whirl, velocity of
淨寬 Width, clear
頂寬 Width, crown
整治寬度 Width, regulated
暫時凋萎 Wilting temporary
絞車 Winch
風 Wind
季候風 Wind, periodic
盛行風 Wind, prevailing
貿易風,信風 Wind, trade
絞車 Windlass
窩爾夫浮壩 Wolf's curtain
土工,土方 Work, earth
導堤 Work, guide
土方運距 Work, haul of earth
順壩 Work, parallel
透水壩 Work, permeable
橫壩 Work, transverse
工作性 Workability
約束工程 Works, contraction
引水工程 Works, diversion
搶險工程 Works, emergency
稍料工程 Works, fascine
浮築工程 Works, floating
保護工程 Works, protection
造船場 Yard, ship
開關場 Yard, switch
平年,平水年 Year, average
旱年 Year, dry
水年 Year, water
潦年 Year, wet
出水量 Yield
可靠出水量 Yield, firm
安全出水量 Yield, safe
次級出水量 Yield, secondary
比出水量,單位出水量 Yield, specific
層,帶,區 Zone
含氣層 Zone of aeration
冰凍層 Zone of freezing
影響帶 Zone of influence
輻射剪力區 Zone of radial shear
飽和層 Zone of saturation
季節變化層 Zone of seasonal change
變化層 Zone of transition
毛管水層 Zone, capillary
自由港埠區 Zone, free port
土壤水層中間帶 Zone, intermediate
層流區 Zone, laminar
粗管層 Zone, rough pipe
剪力區 Zone, shear
土壤帶 Zone, soil
拉力區 Zone, tension
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